Our History
Rick is an eight-year Navy veteran. Following boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Recruit Training Center, he completed the Class “A” Service School in Bainbridge, Maryland, trained to be a “Branch A” Communications Technician. He then served at the Naval Security Station, Washington, D.C. While stationed there, Rick and Nancy were married on May 6, 1966. Nancy accompanied him to Bremerhaven, Germany where he was stationed at the Naval Security Group Activity. There, he attended the European branch of the University of Maryland at which time he became interested in law.
Upon his honorable discharge, he was a student at Ohio University with the goal of becoming an attorney. It was during this time he was converted to Christ and the course of his life changed. He and his wife,Nancy, were immersed in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, February 13,1972. He almost immediately started preaching the gospel of Christ and later enrolled at Kentucky Christian College, Grayson. During his ministry in Indiana, he continued his education at Indiana University.
Rick has labored as a local evangelist with Smith Hill Church of Christ, Piketon, Ohio; Waverly Church of Christ, Waverly, Ohio; Beechwood Heights Church of Christ, Parkersburg, West Virginia; Church of Christ, Peru, Indiana; and Pickaway Church of Christ, Ashville, Ohio. He has held many revival/gospel meetings in several states and has lectured/taught in a variety of venues.
Gospel Defender Ministries aired its first radio broadcast on Sunday, Mary 2, 1980 over WPAY, Parkersburg, West Virginia and has broadcast on several other radio stations since that date. The ministry was officially incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation on October 15, 1984.
Following Matthew 28:19-20 and Ephesians 4:12 – 14, our purpose is to disciple and convert people in all parts of the world to Christ and His gospel by preaching and teaching “the whole counsel of God” using whatever means available. Radio broadcasting, gospel materials in written as well as audio and video format, our website, the use of You Tube, and public speaking are used to serve our mission.
Gospel Defender Ministries is under the authority of our sovereign Lord, Jesus, the Christ, Who is the “head of the body, the church.” Rick is the speaker and author of all materials produced unless otherwise noted. His co-worker, supporter, and encourager is his wife who uses her many skills and talents cultivated over several years of governmental work as his secretary and “lady-of-all-trades.” Neither Rick nor Nancy receives any remuneration from the ministry for their work.
In all the years this ministry has functioned, not once has financial support ever been solicited. Since its beginning the ministry has been supported by the free-will gifts of individual Christian brethren and congregations and friends who personally know Rick, Nancy, and their work, or, who have in some way come into contact with this ministry and appreciate its work. Without failure, all gifts are acknowledged with a receipt and a personal note of appreciation.